Dreams of desire sequel
Dreams of desire sequel

But times change, and so do heartthrob movie heroes. Ten years ago, it would have been unthinkable for a Hollywood youth romance to feature this not just as a story hook, but as a justified desire. He wants to go to Switzerland to die by assisted suicide. Will is so in thrall to the life he used to have that he can neither abide nor accept his present state.

dreams of desire sequel

And since Claflin makes Will a broken man with a powerful life force inside him, we can see where this is heading…except that it isn’t. The saintly Lou isn’t just taking care of Will, or falling for him she’s trying, quite consciously, to inspire him to embrace life again.

dreams of desire sequel dreams of desire sequel

We’ve been engineered, through many decades of movies like this one, to expect the story of a hunk in a wheelchair to go a certain way.

Dreams of desire sequel